MICHAEL VOLTAGGIOWinner of season 6 of Top Chef, he is best known for his rebellious cooking style. Voltaggio claims that he likes to put a twist on the traditional cooking ways and somehow tell a story through his food. He says that he wouldn’t have made it this far in his career if it wasn’t for the fact he took risk.
FOOD STYLEWhile drawing inspiration from his own experiences, Voltaggio is known for his modern American food. He achieves this through experimenting with unique cooking methods such as cooking with a flame torch or liquid nitrogen.
INSPIRATIONSpark, smoke fire, ashes. The process of fire comes off intimidating yet thrilling. By going throughout the process of each step could be. Whether it be the surprise of the spark, the mystery of the smoke, the exhilration of the flames, or the satisfaction of the cooling, the process is part of the reward.